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The Education of Blacks (1920 - 2020) Online Youth Exhibition project launched Feb. 2021 and captures the educational experience, past and present, of Blacks in Charlotte, NC. This initiative bridges history with critical media pedagogy and digital arts to build understanding and empower action in our community. The project was a collaboration with the UNC Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, I AM not the MEdia, Inc., Scholar Pamela Grundy, educators, and students from five local schools. The team worked to assist students in capturing historically marginalized educational experiences of the past and exploring today's educational system through digital media.

Visit the online exhibition:

The Education of Blacks In Charlotte Youth Exhibition

The Urban Education Collaborative at UNC Charlotte, UNC Film Studies Department, Women + Girls Research Alliance, and I AM not the MEdia, Inc. is partnering with Mingo Studios to host the four-week interactive virtual learning experience, Keepin It REEL: Black Girls Film Camp from April 24, 2021, to May 22, 2021. This film camp empowers high school Black girls to create their own stories and learn about the film industry. Teen participants will work with their own individual professional production team to create a short film of their own at the completion of the camp. Special guest speakers, gifts, and awards will all be a part of this interactive VIRTUAL experience. The audience for this project is high school Black girls in grades 9 through 12. 


The Keepin It REEL: Black Girls Film Camp

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Launched in Dec. 2020, the Teens and Social Media Traveling Photo Exhibit captures the influence of social media on the lives of teens through photo-voice photography. Photos in the exhibit were produced by 9th-grade students in four Charlotte High Schools that have participated in the Cyber Series Program. The photo exhibit also includes interactive booklets with information about photos, questions to spark dialogue, engaging photo scavenger hunts, quizzes and puzzles for youth to explore alone or with parents. If interested in receiving a booklet, email

Visit the online exhibition:

The Teens & Social Media Online Exhibition

The Teen Media Literacy Conference- Charlotte, NC

Launched in Summer 2016, the theme for the TML Conference was "Pump Up The Volume on Media Literacy." The conference was for teens between the ages 13 and 17.


Teens experienced a week-end immersive learning experience while residing on a college campus that empowered, trained and equipped them to become media literacy advocates in their schools and communities. Over the course of 2.5 days, teens learned media literacy skills, were exposed to media industry professionals/careers, and created photo campaigns that were on display in an exhibit at ImaginOn that launched during National Media Literacy Week.


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